Global Fashion Initiative, a Nonprofit in Support of Teen Girls’ Empowerment

The Global Fashion Initiative, Inc is a nonprofit organization founded in 2013 by Layla k., which supports the empowerment of women and teen girls. Layla teaches from her curriculum Passport to Purposeful Living (which is inspired by her Passport to Fashion event) and has worked alongside Tomorrow’s Luminaries Foundation, Georgia Tech, KIPP Strive Academy, and the Boys & Girls Club to educate, uplift and empower young girls in the community.

GFI covers body image, the impact beauty standards in the media, anger management, boundaries, boys, health, peer pressure, bullying and more. We also facilitate clothing drives, field trips and engage the girls in various service-related initiatives.

For more information or partnership inquiries, please reach out to Layla K.

Photos Copyright: Madison + Harlow. All Rights Reserved.